Bad Lands (2023) review

The incredibly well-crafted narrative structure, fuelled by Sakura Ando’s extremely satisfying performance, ensures that the spectator remains engaged from start and finish

Man Who Causes A Storm (1957)

Inoue’s rags-to-riches narrative might not escape the territory of predictability, but he puts enough thematical meat on the table so that the spectator, in full knowlegde of how the narrative will unfold, still comes away fully satisfied.  

Cyclops (2018) review

Oba combines a composition that emphasizes the troubled subjectivity of the main character with a narrative that highlights the rot within the Other of the law

Ox-Head Village (2022) review

A solid horror-movie that pleasantly utilizes a sense mystery to engage the spectator and fluidly integrated unsettling imagery to put the spectator ill at ease and even scare him/her.